A no-holds-barred approach to fitness and over 20 years of in-the-trenches training makes Ron Mathews a top motivator, trainer, advisor, and educator in the field of human performance. By incorporating a multitude of fitness modalities – including exercise physiology, strength conditioning, periodization, plyometrics, functional fitness and Multi-Variable Training - into high intensity circuit routines, Ron has created the ultimate body transformation system.

ACT compiles specific properties from each exercise type and merges them into one to create a unique application that is specifically engineered to help you reach your genetic potential.

By hitting the muscle from multiple angles and multiple training stimuli, ACT achieves maximum muscle fiber stimulation, resulting in an increase in metabolism, lean body mass, fat loss and definition.

Whether you are a celebrity with a demanding lifestyle, or an executive with limited leisure time, ACT promotes constant muscle stimulation, increases and keeps motivational levels high, and produces results -- fast!

Think of it like this: "We grow at all levels by expanding energy beyond our ordinary limits and then recovering. Expose a muscle to ordinary demand and it won't grow. With age it will actually lose strength. The limiting factor in building any "muscle" is that many of us back off at the slightest hint of discomfort. To meet increased demand in our lives, we must learn to systematically build and strengthen muscles wherever our capacity is insufficient. Any form of stress that prompts discomfort has the potential to expand our capacity – physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually – so long as it is followed by adequate recovery... While this training phenomenon has been applied largely to building physical strength, it is just as relevant to building "muscles" in every dimension of our lives – from empathy and patience to focus and creativity to integrity and commitment. What applies to the body applies equally to the other dimensions of our lives." The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr & Tony Schwartz